Yup tts the tower tt the 150 pax had to climb and descend from.. Btw, wont talk much.. takde banyak sangat time. But basically alhamdulillah. Congrats to the organising commiittee, for their heartful dedication to make things happen. N gues wat? It happened! n really was HappeNNIng!
Ni Rahim n fedlie, testing out the line earlier part of the day..it was such a blessful event.. lots of things happen... especially the rain.. But the spirit masih kental. Came in n went on n on as strong as ever. not just the org comm. but most hearteningly, the pax! yeah! well done!This abt the 1st time tt i ensure my self to let tings go, let tings happen, let them decide.. n so on.. its great to see they make critical decisions, going through the tot processess, syura, n decide on things.. In fact, they are all better than me!Alhamdulillah ya ALLAH... Kau temukan ku dengan para pelapis, yg dapat meneruskan perjuangan ini. Semoga Saff terus menjadi relevan di mata masyarakat, semoga Saff masih mampu melahirkan insan2 yg dapat menjana masyarakat kami. Semoga kau meredhai segala usaha murni kita yg kecil ini ya ALLAH.. Ameen..Haiz... touching lah plak... nak ku sambung... tapi takpelah... sila tengok some pics then...
This peeps from Suria, alhamdulillah, berita came, warna ramadhan came, radio came... touching aah... All this is not for the sake nak bermegah2 atas usaha Saff, tetapi hanya untuk meluaskan lagi ppls knowledge abt us, tt we are here, to make a difference in the society! That we are an agents of Change! n we are gonna make that Multiplier effect! Like it or not! insyaALLAH... May ALLAH continues to guide us n give us strength...Makin panjang lebar plak citer aku ni... hehe...
Lastly.. just a shot of me presenting Saff to the pax n the rest of the personel.Haa... u noe wat.. i only came in the front like 4 times out of the whole event..First was, the i had to give the opening speech as the HOS...Second was, gathering n arranging them for mass phototaking by the Rock tower..3rd, help part of d drama as a Voice over actor, n sound effects, plus Lightings ! (YAH!)lastly here... in this pic... presenting Saff..Haiz... I love my youths.. They did a tremendous job! no matter wat happen.. all the problems n all are just blessings as lessons for us.. to make us stronger.. good job guys... Kudos..May ur hands n legs n mouths n all ur other body parts be the witness for ur sacrifice n good deeds di akhirat kelak... ameen..Ya Allah, Engkau mengetahui bahwa hati-hati kami ini telah berkumpul karena mengasihi-MU; bertemu untuk memenuhi perintah-Mu; bersatu untuk memikul beban da'wah-Mu. Hati-hati ini telah mengikat janji setia untuk mendaulat dan menyokong syariat-Mu. Maka eratkanlah ya Allah atas ikatannya, dan kekalkanlah kemesraan di antara hati-hati ini. Tunjukkan kepada hati-hati ini akan jalan-Mu yang sebenar. Penuhkan piala hati ini dengan cahaya Rabbani-Mu yang tidak kunjung padam. Lapangkan hati ini dengan limpahan iman dan keindahan tawakkal kepada-Mu. Hidupkan hati ini dengan ma'rifat tentang-Mu. Dan jika Engkau mentakdirkan mati, maka matikanlah pemilik hati-hati ini sebagai para syuhada dalam perjuangan agama-MU. Engkaulah sebaik-baik sandaran dan sebaik-baik penolong.
# posted by JenGGo @ 6:59 AM