Mission Day 3hree
From where i last left...9.30amAfter our breakfast n yada yada.. we move out to dewan perkumpulan perempuan daerah muar. Basically, they turn tt huge dewan or hall into a warehouse 2 store their goodies.. Eh I mean supplies.. All supplies, logistical needs and medical supplies are stored there. So, they need manpower to help sort out tt entire place..
So here we are, sporeans spending half of our day at d warehouse, sorting out stuffs.. Alas! We manage to come out w d whole inventory list, item in n out.. ok I noe.. Boring stuffs.. tak not so interesting enough to share huh.. Cuma I was just tinking if I could come out w such an inventory list for tings in my room.. All the in n out.. Aint it beautiful then? Hehe..
3pmNew instructions. Report back to 2 d hotel. We need 2 get more HYGIENE KITS!!! Brace yourselves! Cos we're abt 2 go.....
SHOPPING!!So, once we got back, we grab d money and off we go 2 d nearest SuperStore. (luckily its just beside our hotel.. Hehe) Basically we were given RM$X,000 to buy as many items to fill up as many hygiene kits! Yup. Simple stuff. The tough part is 2 squeeeeze dry, optimising every single cent, combining items in a pack. Ok.. Yada2..
once got back 2 d warehouse. Suria peeps were waiting for us. They wanted 2 go to the flooded areas. But alas, their car brokedown along d way n had 2 come back..
Ok but basically.. This d boring part... Where we wayang carry2 tings while Izuan being interviewed.. But....
To be cont.... got to go...
haha... SUSPENS!!!
more stories n pics later...
# posted by JenGGo @ 5:42 PM